Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics Group
Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 04 72 44 84 87

Professeure des universités
Tel: 33 04 26 23 44 76

Enseignant-chercheur CPJ

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 62 97

Professeur d'université émérite
Tel: 04 72 44 85 60
Ingénieur d'études CDD

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 43 11 67

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 85 60

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 84 87

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 43 13 44

Directeur de recherche

Professeure des universités émérite
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Maître de conférences
Tel: 04 72 43 35 83

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 43 35 82

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 62 96

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 43 26 28

Chercheur invité
Ingénieur de recherche CDD
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Our group focuses on two main axes: phylogenomics (i.e. the inference of evolutionary history based on genomics data) and evolutionary genomics (understanding the molecular and population processes that drive genome evolution). We see genomes both as a subject of research (how do genomes evolve, why are they structured the way they are?), but also as a main source of empirical knowledge about the macroevolutionary patterns (what do they tell us about the history of life on Earth?), or about the phenotypes and life-history strategies of organisms. Our works heavily rely on methodological developments (bioinformatics, modeling and statistical inference).
Evolution of genome architecture and expression
Genomes are the result of a long-term evolutionary process, shaped by multiple evolutionary forces. Some genomic features are adaptive (i.e. are beneficial for the fitness of organisms), others result from non-adaptive processes (random drift and biased gene conversion - BGC) or are caused by conflicts between multiple levels of selection (e.g. meiotic drive or the spread of selfish genetic elements). We explore different aspects of genome architecture (base composition landscapes, genome structure and size, impact of transposable elements, …) or functioning (gene expression, lncRNAs, epigenetic landscapes, …), and try to disentangle the relative contribution of adaptive and non-adaptive processes to their evolution. For this purpose, we consider both the molecular mechanisms (mutation, repair, recombination) and the population processes (selection, drift, BGC, …) that shape genetic variation.
We are interested in reconstructing the history of life on Earth. This research unfolds along several axes. First, we develop phylogenomic databases of aligned genetic sequences (e.g. BIBI, RiboDB or HOGENOM). Second, we conduct methodological research on how to accurately reconstruct deep phylogenies, infer divergence times, reconstruct ancestral genetic sequences, gene repertoires and life-history traits. This methodological work is translated into publicly available software programs (e.g. SeaView, PhyloBayes, Coevol). Finally, we apply these approaches to several important problems, among which: reconstructing the phylogeny of animals, of archaea, or the global tree of life; using phylogenies and ancestral gene repertoires to investigate the evolution of complex systems and the emergence of molecular and cellular functions in the three domains of life; reconstructing ancestral genetic sequences, a research activity that has industrial and biotechnological applications.
Teaching and outreach
We teach at University Lyon 1 (Master Bioinfo@Lyon), INSA, ENS Lyon, we organize bioinformatics internships. We regularly give conferences on evolution (tree of life, human evolution, genetic diversity, …).
Prospective students and postdocs are invited to apply, as we often welcome visitors for internships or research projects.
Keywords: Molecular evolution and Population Genomics; Phylogenomics; Computational Genomics; Comparative genomics; Bioinformatics; Statistical inference.
Display of 181 to 210 publications on 1098 in total
A Sample-to-Report Solution for Taxonomic Identification of Cultured Bacteria in the Clinical Setting Based on Nanopore Sequencing
Journal of Clinical Microbiology . 58 ( 6 ) : 1128
DOI: 10.1128/JCM.00060-20
Journal article
see the publicationEvidence for Dosage Compensation in Coccinia grandis, a Plant with a Highly Heteromorphic XY System
Genes . 11 ( 7 ) : 787
Journal article
see the publicationY chromosome makes fruit flies die younger
Peer Community In Evolutionary Biology . : 100105
Other publication
see the publicationPopulation genomics supports clonal reproduction and multiple independent gains and losses of parasitic abilities in the most devastating nematode pest
Evolutionary Applications . 13 : 442-457
DOI: 10.1111/eva.12881
Journal article
see the publicationFrom conservation to structure, studies of magnetosome associated cation diffusion facilitators (CDF) proteins in Proteobacteria
PLoS ONE . 15 ( 4 ) : e0231839
Journal article
see the publicationIsotopic systematics point to wild origin of mummified birds in Ancient Egypt
Scientific Reports . 10 ( 1 )
Journal article
see the publicationThe Gauls experienced the Roman Warm Period: Oxygen isotope study of the Gallic site of Thézy-Glimont, Picardie, France
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports . 34 : 102595
Journal article
see the publicationMetapopulation ecology links antibiotic resistance, consumption, and patient transfers in a network of hospital wards
eLife . 9
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.54795
Journal article
see the publicationDickeya poaceiphila sp. nov., a plant-pathogenic bacterium isolated from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum)
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology . 70 ( 8 ) : 4508-4514
Journal article
see the publicationδ18O and δ13C of diagenetic land snail shells from the Pliocene (Zanclean) of Lanzarote, Canary Archipelago: Do they still record some climatic parameters?
Journal of African Earth Sciences . 162 : 103702
Journal article
see the publicationFitting diversification models on undated or partially dated trees
Peer Community In Evolutionary Biology . : 100088
Other publication
see the publicationPhylogenomics and Genome Annotation
Phylogenetics in the Genomic Era . : 4.1:1--4.1:26
Book chapter
see the publicationStudying genetic antagonisms as drivers of genome evolution
Peer Community In Evolutionary Biology .
Journal article
see the publicationSyndrome de Klinefelter, rôle du chromosome Y dans l’espérance de vie humaine ?
36ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie (SFE Marseille 2020) . 81 ( 4 ) : 194
Conference paper
see the publicationMindfulness-Based Programs Improve Psychological Flexibility, Mental Health, Well-Being, and Time Management in Academics
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education . 10 ( 4 ) : 1035-1050
Journal article
see the publicationBedrock radioactivity influences the rate and spectrum of mutation
eLife . 9 : e56830
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.56830
Journal article
see the publicationKey role of chromosomal mobile genetic elements transferring by conjugation in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in Streptococcus suis
8th symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animal and Environment .
Conference paper
see the publicationThe ICE/IME Finder approach and its application to ICE/IME annotation in Streptococcus.
8th symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animal and Environment .
Conference paper
see the publicationThe ICE/IME Finder approach and its application to ICE/IME annotation in Streptococcus
4th International Workshop on Streptococcus suis .
see the publicationNaturally radioactive environments influence the rate and spectrum of mutation
Annual conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution .
see the publicationDevelopment of a dual RNA-seq strategy to unravel the molecular bases of host-symbiont interactions
Journée scientifique de la FR BioEnviS .
see the publicationKey role of chromosomal mobile genetic elements transferred by conjugation in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in S. suis
4th International Workshop on Streptococcus suis .
Conference paper
see the publicationDevelopment of a dual RNA-seq strategy to unravel the molecular bases of host-symbiont interactions
Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Regional Workshop on Microbiome .
see the publicationArchaic mitochondrial DNA inserts in modern day nuclear genomes
BMC Genomics . 20 ( 1 ) : 1017
Journal article
see the publicationContrasting Paternal and Maternal Genetic Histories of Thai and Lao Populations
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 36 : 1490 - 1506
Journal article
see the publicationSharing of heteroplasmies between human liver lobes varies across the mtDNA genome
Scientific Reports . 9 : 11219
Journal article
see the publicationThe Current Genomic Landscape of Western South America: Andes, Amazonia, and Pacific Coast
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 36 ( 12 ) : 2698 - 2713
Journal article
see the publicationWGS-based telomere length analysis in Dutch family trios implicates stronger maternal inheritance and a role for RRM1 gene
Scientific Reports . 9 : 18758
Journal article
see the publicationMultiple Deeply Divergent Denisovan Ancestries in Papuans
Cell .
Journal article
see the publicationEvidence of Austronesian Genetic Lineages in East Africa and South Arabia: Complex Dispersal from Madagascar and Southeast Asia
Genome Biology and Evolution . 11 ( 3 ) : 748-758
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evz028
Journal article
see the publication