GECO Evolutionary and Computational Genomics
Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics Group
Gouy Manolo
Directeur de recherche
Display of 1 to 30 publications on 117 in total
A divide-and-conquer phylogenomic approach based on character supermatrices resolves early steps in the evolution of the Archaea
BMC Ecology and Evolution . 22 ( 1 ) : 1-12
Journal article
see the publicationThe Molecular Determinants of Thermoadaptation: Methanococcales as a Case Study
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 38 ( 5 ) : 1761–1776
Journal article
see the publicationSeaview Version 5: A Multiplatform Software for Multiple Sequence Alignment, Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses, and Tree Reconciliation
Multiple Sequence Alignment . 2231 : 241-260
Book chapter
see the publicationResurrection of Ancestral Malate Dehydrogenases Reveals the Evolutionary History of Halobacterial Proteins : Deciphering Gene Trajectories and Changes in Biochemical Properties
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 38 ( 9 ) : 3754-3774
Journal article
see the publicationTreerecs: an integrated phylogenetic tool, from sequences to reconciliations.
Bioinformatics . 36 ( 18 ) : 4822-4824
Journal article
see the publicationExtreme halophilic archaea derive from two distinct methanogen Class II lineages
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution . 127 : 46-54
Journal article
see the publicationAncestral Reconstruction: Theory and Practice
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology . : 70–77
Book chapter
see the publicationGene Acquisitions from Bacteria at the Origins of Major Archaeal Clades Are Vastly Overestimated
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 33 ( 2 ) : 305 - 310
Journal article
see the publicationRiboDB database: a comprehensive resource for prokaryotic systematics
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 33 ( 8 ) : 2170--2172
Journal article
see the publicationleBIBIQBPP: a set of databases and a webtool for automatic phylogenetic analysis of prokaryotic sequences
BMC Bioinformatics . 16 ( 1 ) : 251
Journal article
see the publicationToward more accurate ancestral protein genotype-phenotype reconstructions with the use of species tree-aware gene trees
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 32 : 13-22
Journal article
see the publicationPhylogenomic test of the hypotheses for the evolutionary origin of eukaryotes
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 31 ( 4 ) : 832-45
Journal article
see the publicationThe molecular signal for the adaptation to cold temperature during early life on Earth
Biology Letters . 9 ( 5 ) : 20130608
Journal article
see the publicationGenome-scale coestimation of species and gene trees.
Genome Research . 23 ( 2 ) : 323-330
Journal article
see the publicationBio++ : Efficient Extensible Libraries and Tools for Computational Molecular Evolution
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 30 ( 8 ) : 1745 - 1750
Journal article
see the publicationExperimental assessment of the accuracy of genomic selection in sugarcane
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics . 126 ( 10 ) : 2575-2586
Journal article
see the publicationA Branch-Heterogeneous Model of Protein Evolution for Efficient Inference of Ancestral Sequences
Systematic Biology . 62 ( 4 ) : 523-538
Journal article
see the publicationWhat genomes have to say about the evolution of the Earth
Gondwana Research . 21 : 483-494
Journal article
see the publicationLateral gene transfer as a support for the tree of life.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 109 ( 13 ) : 4962-4967
Journal article
see the publicationSpecies identification of staphylococci by amplification and sequencing of the tuf gene compared to the gap gene and by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases . 30 ( 3 ) : 343-54
Journal article
see the publicationAdaptation to Environmental Temperature Is a Major Determinant of Molecular Evolutionary Rates in Archaea
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 28 : 2661-2674
Journal article
see the publicationPendant trois milliards d'années les micro-organismes sont les seuls habitants de la terre
incollection . 2-35311-022-3 9782353110223 : 94-U259
Book chapter
see the publicationSpecies identification of staphylococci by amplification and sequencing of the gene compared to the gene and by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases . : 343-354
Journal article
see the publicationEvolution Moléculaire
Biologie évolutive . 978-2-8041-0161-9 : 114-173
Book chapter
see the publicationDetecting lateral gene transfers by statistical reconciliation of phylogenetic forests
BMC Bioinformatics . 11 ( 324 ) : 13
Journal article
see the publicationSeaView Version 4: a Multiplatform Graphical User Interface for Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetic Tree Building
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 27 : 221-224
Journal article
see the publicationProposals for classification methods dedicated to biological data
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET) . 3 ( 1/2 ) : 4-21
Journal article
see the publicationA Mixture Model and a Hidden Markov Model to Simultaneously Detect Recombination Breakpoints and Reconstruct Phylogenies
Evolutionary Bioinformatics . 5 : 67-79
DOI: 10.4137/EBO.S2242
Journal article
see the publication