Researcher in future studies, specializing in the links between science and society
(after research in mathematics, computer science, biology, history, and teaching research ethics)
Research environments :
- Inria, Semis team
- Botascopia (supported by the ANR Sciences avec et pour la société, “Flores”, by the ANR “Flowers”, and by the PEPR “Agroécologie et Numérique”, Cobreeding project)
- Evoluthon (supported by ANR Evoluthon)
- Santé commune, supported by Shapemed
Teaching :
- Video Research Ethics course (Masters and PhD), Video 1 and Video 2, Scientific Integrity Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Research Ethics in slides
Conferences and workshops :
- The role of research in the Anthropocene (open university)
- The rebound effects of bioinformatics (M2, research seminar)
- Re-appropriating knowledge production and available intellectual property tools
- Places of anticipation
- The disappearance of technology and conviviality
- Science, Environment and Society Workshop
- Doctoral oaths workshops
Responsibilities - Presentations :
- Head of the Inria Semis team
- Member of the scientific committee of the Boutique des Sciences
- Co-founder and editor of Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology
- Member of the “Formation spécialisée de site” of the Inria Lyon center, committee dedicated to working conditions
- Fabrique des Questions Simples, laboratory incubator for research into the Anthropocene
- Scientific advice for the game “empreinte du numérique” by l'arbre des connaissances
Display of 31 to 60 publications on 123 in total
Phylogenetic signal from rearrangements in 18 Anopheles species by joint scaffolding extant and ancestral genomes
BMC Genomics . 19 ( S2 ) : 1-15
Journal article
see the publicationAlgorithms for computing the double cut and join distance on both gene order and intergenic sizes
Algorithms for Molecular Biology . 12 : 16 (11 pages)
Journal article
see the publicationResolution and reconciliation of non-binary gene trees with transfers, duplications and losses
Bioinformatics . 33 ( 7 ) : 980-987
Journal article
see the publicationDeCoSTAR: Reconstructing the ancestral organization of genes or genomes using reconciled phylogenies
Genome Biology and Evolution . 9 ( 5 ) : 1312-1319
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evx069
Journal article
see the publicationComparative Methods for Reconstructing Ancient Genome Organization
Comparative Genomics: Methods and Protocols . : 343 - 362
Book chapter
see the publicationMaxTiC: Fast Ranking Of A Phylogenetic Tree By Maximum Time Consistency With Lateral Gene Transfers
DOI: 10.1101/127548
Other publication
see the publicationAncestral Reconstruction: Theory and Practice
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology . : 70–77
Book chapter
see the publicationNucleotide, gene and genome evolution : a score to bind them all
Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques .
Conference paper
see the publicationDating with transfers
Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques .
Conference paper
see the publicationGenome Rearrangements on both Gene Order and Intergenic Regions
WABI 2016 . 9838 : 162-173
Conference paper
see the publicationFrancisella IglG protein and the DUF4280 proteins: PAAR-like proteins in non-canonical Type VI secretion systems?
Microbial Cell . 3 ( 11 ) : 576-578
Journal article
see the publicationComment la reconstruction de génomes ancestraux peut aider à l'assemblage de génomes actuels
Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques .
Conference paper
see the publicationIn silico experimental evolution provides independent and challenging benchmarks for comparative genomics
Journées ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques . : 79-82
Conference paper
see the publicationComparative Genomics on Artificial Life
Computability in Europe . 9709 : 35-44
Conference paper
see the publicationEfficient gene tree correction guided by genome evolution
PLoS ONE . 11 ( 8 ) : e0159559 (22 pages)
Journal article
see the publicationBreaking Good: Accounting for Fragility of Genomic Regions in Rearrangement Distance Estimation
Genome Biology and Evolution . 8 ( 5 ) : 1427-1439
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evw083
Journal article
see the publicationSorting Signed Permutations by Reversal (Reversal Sequence)
Encyclopedia of Algorithms . 978-1-4939-2863-7 : 2028-2032
Book chapter
see the publicationGenome rearrangements with indels in intergenes restrict the scenario space
BMC Bioinformatics . 17 ( Suppl 14 ) : 426 (7 pages)
Journal article
see the publicationMoments of genome evolution by Double Cut-and-Join
BMC Bioinformatics . 16 ( Suppl 14 ) : S7
Journal article
see the publicationReconstruction of an ancestral Yersinia pestis genome and comparison with an ancient sequence
BMC Genomics . 16 ( Suppl 10 ) : S9
Journal article
see the publicationThe inference of gene trees with species trees
Systematic Biology . 64 ( 1 ) : e42-e62
Journal article
see the publicationKaryotype and Gene Order Evolution from ReconstructedExtinct Ancestors Highlight Contrasts in Genome Plasticity ofModern Rosid Crops
Genome Biology and Evolution . 7 ( 3 ) : 735-749
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evv014
Journal article
see the publicationFoundations of Coding: Compression, Encryption, Error-Correction
978-1-118-88144-6 : 376
see the publicationProbabilistic modeling of the evolution of gene synteny within reconciled phylogenies
BMC Bioinformatics . 16 ( Suppl 14 ) : S5
Journal article
see the publicationAncestral gene synteny reconstruction improves extant species scaffolding
BMC Genomics . 16 ( Suppl 10 ) : S11
Journal article
see the publicationGenome-scale phylogenetic analysis finds extensive gene transfer among fungi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (1934–1990) . 370 : 20140335 (11 pages)
Journal article
see the publicationCounting and sampling SCJ small parsimony solutions
Theoretical Computer Science . 552 : 83-98
Journal article
see the publicationThéorie des Codes : compression, cryptage, correction, 2e edition
9782100599110 : 384
see the publicationLateral Gene Transfer from the Dead.
Systematic Biology . 62 ( 3 ) : 386-397
Journal article
see the publication