Researcher in future studies, specializing in the links between science and society

(after research in mathematics, computer science, biology, history, and teaching research ethics)

Research environments :

- Inria, Semis team

- Botascopia (supported by the ANR Sciences avec et pour la société, “Flores”, by the ANR “Flowers”, and by the PEPR “Agroécologie et Numérique”, Cobreeding project)

- Evoluthon (supported by ANR Evoluthon)

- Santé commune, supported by Shapemed

Teaching :

- Video Research Ethics course (Masters and PhD), Video 1 and Video 2, Scientific Integrity Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

- Research Ethics in slides

Conferences and workshops :

- The role of research in the Anthropocene (open university)

- The rebound effects of bioinformatics (M2, research seminar)

- Re-appropriating knowledge production and available intellectual property tools

- Places of anticipation

- The disappearance of technology and conviviality

- Science, Environment and Society Workshop

- Doctoral oaths workshops

Responsibilities - Presentations :

- Head of the Inria Semis team

- Member of the scientific committee of the Boutique des Sciences

- Co-founder and editor of Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology

- Member of the “Formation spécialisée de site” of the Inria Lyon center, committee dedicated to working conditions

- Fabrique des Questions Simples, laboratory incubator for research into the Anthropocene

- Scientific advice for the game “empreinte du numérique” by l'arbre des connaissances



Display of 121 to 123 publications on 123 in total