Quantitative and Evolutionary Ecology of Communities Group
Professeure des universités
Tel: 33 04 72 43 27 56
Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 43 27 57
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Maître de conférences
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Professeur des universités
Tel: 33 04 72 43 27 56
Professeur des universités
Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 43 27 56
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 02
Maître de conférences
Tel: 33 04 72 43 29 02
Our research activities, focused on interspecific interactions (community ecology), aim to better understand the ecological and evolutionary processes structuring species assemblages and biodiversity at different temporal and spatial scales. Our team addresses these major issues using contrasting biological models (communities of large African mammals, insects, microbiota, plants) from 3 complementary angles:
- Our work is strongly anchored in the conceptual framework of evolutionary biology by studying (i) the diversity of adaptive responses implemented by organisms to selective pressures in their environment, (ii) their consequences on population demography and ultimately (iii) the dynamics and composition of species communities.
- Our research is closely linked to societal issues of biodiversity conservation and management by integrating both the functioning of socio-ecological systems and the context of climate change. We conduct experimental studies, manage and ensure the long-term monitoring of several community observation networks.
- Methodological issues also occupy a central place in our team, with the development of new tools for statistical processing and modeling of ecological data. This activity leads to the development of methods and software that we develop and distribute freely.
Research programs
Functioning of African savanna communities
The Hwange LTSER (Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research site in Zimbabwe hosts a long-term interdisciplinary research program that focuses on the functioning of plant and animal communities within the Hwange National Park and the interactions between this protected area and humans living in its periphery. Based on this program, three axes are developed: (1) studying the population dynamics of elephants, exploring their impact and that of management policies on the socio-ecosystem functioning; (2) Understanding the extent to which interactions within and between trophic levels are sensitive to management actions (e.g. sport hunting, water management) and climate change; (3) Decoding human ecology and human-wildlife coexistence mechanisms towards integrated conservation and sustainable functioning of the socio-ecosystem. This research is complemented by more recent works in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park and in the Madikwe reserve in South Africa, which focus on the role of environmental conditions on the hunting success of large African carnivores. We work in close collaboration with the IRL (International Research Lab) Rehabs.
Involved group members : Alice Bernard, Laura Lacomme, Aïssa Morin, Lisa Nicvert, Elie Pedarros, Yolan Richard, Marion Valeix*
Masting and the community dynamics of seed consumers
Masting is a reproductive strategy often encountered in perennial plants, characterized by fructifications highly fluctuating in time and being synchronized at the population level. The seeds produced that way constitute a pulsed resource with a strong impact on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of seed-consuming communities and forest regeneration. Our lack of knowledge of this system still impedes our understanding of the dynamics of temperate forest ecosystems and its future in the context of climate change. Our work carried out on oak forests aims to better understand (i) the proximal causes of masting, (ii) the mechanisms underlying the coexistence of species competing for such highly fluctuating resource and (iii) the co-evolution of consumer exploitation strategies for the fluctuating resource and forest tree fruiting strategies. On the basis of the results obtained, scenarii will be proposed on the future of forest regeneration under climate change, that may serve forest management.
Involved group members : Marie-Claude Bel-Venner*, Emilie Fleurot, Léa Keurinck, Jean Lobry, Samuel Venner
The spread of antibiotic resistance genes in bacteria
Antibiotic resistance is recognized as one of the greatest current threats to human health, and the mobile genetic elements (MGEs) that circulate in bacterial populations and communities are the main vehicles. To understand the dynamics and diversity of MGEs in bacterial pangenomes and the emergence of antibiotic resistance genes, we propose to go beyond the framework of conventional genomics by considering pangenomes as complex ecological communities. In the Ab-One program, we mobilize the concepts and tools developed in community ecology based on an integrative approach (monitoring of bacterial populations/communities evolving in contrasting environments -One-Health approaches-, pan-genomic analyses, experimentation in molecular and cellular microbiology, mathematical modelling). This program is currently focused on the dynamics of MGEs in Acinetobacter baumannii, an antibiotic-resistant microorganism classified as a priority by the WHO. Other more general approaches will illustrate the relevance of this new conceptual framework to understand the dynamics and diversity of MGEs in bacterial pangenomes. This program, co-piloted by our team and a team from CIRI (Horigene) involves the participation of 9 organizations (6 from Lyon -LBBE, CIRI, MMSB, HCL, LEM, VetAgro Sup-, Institut Pasteur (Paris), LMGM (Toulouse ), Robert Koch Institute (Germany)).
Involved group members : Stéphane Dray, Rémi Tuffet, Samuel Venner*
Statistical analysis of ecological data
Understanding the structure and dynamics of species assemblages, and the processes behind them, requires collecting data that are becoming increasingly complex owing to the sophisticated technological developments made available for their acquisition (e.g. GPS, loggers, satellite imagery, molecular data). We are developing new methods for analysing such data, that provide new insights into the ecological processes at work in communities. Multivariate analysis methods allow the analysis of spatial structures, accounting for various information on species (functional traits, morphology, phylogeny), the spatio-temporal variation of species-environment relationships or the multifaceted perception of the protected human-environment relationship. We also model multi-'omics' dose-response data within communities in order to better understand the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) and to better appreciate the risks to the environment. These methodological innovations are made available to the scientific community through the development, distribution and maintenance of software (libraries for the R language: ade4, adegraphics, adephylo, ade4TkGUI, nlstools, fitdistrplus, DRomics, seqinr).
Involved group members: Marie Laure Delignette-Muller, Stéphane Dray*, Jean Lobry, Jean Thioulouse.
Display of 601 to 627 publications on 627 in total
Multivariate analysis of spatial patterns: a unified approach to local and global structures
Environmental and Ecological Statistics . 2 : 1-14
Journal article
see the publicationHydrophobicity expressivity and aromaticity are the major trends of amino-acid usage in 999 Escherichia coli chromosome-encoded genes
Nucleic Acids Research . 22 : 3174-3180
Journal article
see the publicationChemometrical evaluation of multispecies-multichemical data by means of graphical techniques combined with multivariate analyses
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety . 26 : 333-345
Journal article
see the publicationEvaluation of the Precision of Systematic Sampling : Nugget Effect and Covariogram Modelling
Journal of Microscopy . 172 : 249-256
Journal article
see the publicationEvaluation of the precision of systematic sampling nugget effect and covariogram modelling
Journal of Microscopy . 172 ( 3 ) : 249-256
Journal article
see the publicationAn unexpected correlation between cardinal temperatures of microbial growth highlighted by a new model
Journal of Theoretical Biology . 162 : 447-463
Journal article
see the publicationMonod's bacterial growth model revisited
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology . 54(1) : 117-122
Journal article
see the publicationMaintenance requirements of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 in the presence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of various antibiotics
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy . 29 : 121-127
Journal article
see the publicationA method for reciprocal scaling of species tolerance and sample diversity
Ecology . 73 : 670-680
Journal article
see the publicationMultivariate Analysis of the Input and Output Data in the Fugacity Model Level I
incollection . -- : 281-345
Journal article
see the publicationRe-Evalution du modèle de croissance de Monod. Effet des antibiotiques sur l'énergie de maintenance.
incollection . -- : 80-88
Journal article
see the publicationA FORTRAN subroutine for the determination of parameter confidence limits in non-linear Models
Binary . 3 : 86-93
Journal article
see the publicationComparison of estimates of Monod's growth model from the same data set
Binary . 3 : 20-23
Journal article
see the publicationGraphical Techniques for Multidimensional Data Analysis
incollection . -- : 153-205
Journal article
see the publicationBiphasic kinetics of bacterial killing by quinolones
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy . 27 ( 3 ) : 319-327
DOI: 10.1093/jac/27.3.319
Journal article
La Modélisation - Confluent des sciences . : 71-86
Book chapter
see the publicationMacMul and GraphMu: two Macintosh programs for the display and analysis of multivariate data
Computers & Geosciences . 16 ( 8 ) : 1235-1240
Journal article
see the publicationStatistical analysis and graphical display of multivariate data on the Macintosh
Computer Applications in the Biosciences . 5 : 287-292
Journal article
see the publicationTraitements nématicides et peuplement de nématodes parasites de la canne à sucre au Burkina Faso. 1. Repousses
Revue de Nématologie . 12 ( 1 ) : 35-44
Journal article
see the publicationSpace-Time Structure in a Winter Rape Pest Population Psylliodes chrysocephala (Col. chrysomelidae): methodological proposals and biological interpretations
Journal of Applied Ecology . 24 : 435-450
Journal article
see the publicationLes analyses multitableaux en ecologie factorielle.
Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Generalis . 8 ( 4 ) : 463-480
Journal article
Coll. Nat. CNRS "Biologie des Populations" . : 90-97
Conference paper
Pest Control: Operations and Systems Analysis in Fruit Fly Management. . : 263-282
Book chapter
see the publicationVariables regionalisees et denombrement d'Insectes : cas unidimensionnel
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série III, Sciences de la vie . 301 : 423-428
Journal article
see the publicationEstimation d'un Volume a partir de Coupes Seriees : Sous-Echantillonnage Covariogramme Transitif et Calcul de Precision
Mikroskopie (Wien) . 42 : 215-224
Journal article
see the publicationStructures spatiales et temporelles des populations d'un ravageur du Colza (Psylliodes chrysocephala L. (Col. Chrysomelidae)) dans plusieurs parcelles de culture
Acta Oecologica Oecologia Applicata . 5 : 335-353
Journal article
see the publication
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