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Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
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Maître de conférences - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 11 52 38
Display of 1051 to 1080 publications on 1093 in total
Is coronary angiography performed in the appropriate patients after acute myocardial infarction? Clinical and angiographic findings and one-year mortality in a large unselected cohort of 2493 consecutive patients in a French region (the PRIMA study)
Acta Cardiologica . 58 : 23-29
Journal article
see the publicationEffect of age, period of diagnosis and birth cohort on large bowel cancer incidence in a well-defined French population, 1976–1995
European Journal of Cancer Prevention . 11 ( 6 ) : 529-534
Journal article
see the publicationAmifostine reduces mucosal damage after high-dose melphalan conditioning and autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation for patients with multiple myeloma
Bone Marrow Transplantation . 30(11) : 769-775
Journal article
see the publicationAmifostine reduces mucosal damage after high-dose melphalan conditioning and autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation for patients with multiple myeloma
Bone Marrow Transplantation . 30 ( 11 ) : 769-775
Journal article
see the publicationTargeted surveillance to assess the prevalence of BSE in high-risk populations in western France and the associated risk factors
Veterinary Record . 151 ( 3 ) : 73-77
DOI: 10.1136/vr.151.3.73
Journal article
see the publicationHow to take into account the flock size in the analysis of epidemiological study of scrapie infection
Conférence ISCB, AFSSA INRA CNRS . : 1 p.
see the publicationCorrelation of the WHO Schema for the Classification of Thymic Epithelial Neoplasms With Prognosis
American Journal of Surgical Pathology . 26 ( 12 ) : 1605-1611
Journal article
see the publicationEffect of age period of diagnosis and birth cohort on large bowel cancer incidence in a well-defined French population 1976-1995
European Journal of Cancer Prevention . 11(6) : 529-534
Journal article
see the publicationWhat is the relevance of obtaining multiple blood samples for culture? A comprehensive model to optimize the strategy for diagnosing bacteremia
Clinical Infectious Diseases . 35 ( 7 ) : 842-850
DOI: 10.1086/342383
Journal article
see the publicationNeoadjuvant Chemotherapy for unresectable ovarian carcinoma : A French multicenter study
Cancer . 91 : 2329-2334
Journal article
see the publicationComparative sequence analysis of the imprinted Dlk1-Gtl2 locus in three mammalian species reveals highly conserved genomic elements and refines comparison with the Igf2-H19 region
Genome Research . 11 : 2085-2094
Journal article
see the publicationReflexions from the experience of the French CLEOPATRE program and concerns about the status of clinical research on small cell lung cancer
Lung Cancer . 33 ( 2-3 ) : 303-307
Journal article
see the publication[Local control in the management of cancer: a few thoughts].
Bulletin du Cancer . 88 ( 7 ) : 693-9
Journal article
see the publicationGonadotropin level abnormalities in women with cyclic mastalgia
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology . 94 : 92-96
Journal article
see the publicationComment mettre en place une recherche en réseau : exemple de l'étude DOMINOS sur la rupture des membranes avant 34 semaines d'aménorrhée en Rhône-Alpes.
Journal d'Economie Médicale . 19 ( 5-6 ) : pp. 435-440
Journal article
see the publicationSpermatogenèse in vitro : une nouvelle voie de recherche.
Andrologie . ( 10 ) : 284-291
Journal article
see the publicationEvaluation of global DNA hypomethylation in human colon cancer tissues by immunohistochemistry and image analysis
Gut . 47 : 689-693
Journal article
see the publicationLocalization of proteasomes in human oocytes and preimplantation embryos
Molecular Human Reproduction . 6 ( 4 ) : 331-336
Journal article
see the publicationPlace des troubles de la spermatogenèse dans l'hypofertilité masculine
Andrologie . 10 ( 3 ) : 243-253
Journal article
see the publicationCyclodextrin enhances spermicidal effects of magainin-2-amide
Contraception . 62 ( 2 ) : 99-103
Journal article
see the publicationSpermatogenèse in vitro: une nouvelle voie de recherche
Andrologie . 10 ( 3 ) : 284-291
Journal article
see the publicationRegional methylation of the 5' end CpG island of BRCA1 is associated with reduced gene expression in human somatic cells
FASEB Journal . 14 ( 11 ) : 1585-1594
Journal article
see the publicationProteasomes in human spermatozoa
International Journal of Andrology . 23 ( 3 ) : 169-177
Journal article
see the publicationMethodological questions in sentinel lymph node analysis in breast cancer patients
Annals of Oncology . 11 ( 11 ) : 1381-1385
Journal article
see the publicationLong-term survival in Hodgkin's disease patients
European Journal of Cancer . 36 ( 3 ) : 384-389
Journal article
see the publicationMaternal humoral factors associated with perinatal human immunodeficiency virus type-1 transmission in a cohort from Kigali, Rwanda, 1988-1994
Journal of Infection . 39 ( 3 ) : 213-220
Journal article
see the publicationTagging sentinel lymph nodes: a study of 100 patients with breast cancer
European Journal of Cancer . 35 ( 4 ) : 569-573
Journal article
see the publicationPattern of epithelial cell proliferation in colorectal mucosa of patients with large bowel adenoma or cancer
European Journal of Cancer Prevention . 8 ( 5 ) : 401-408
Journal article
see the publicationFaecal neutral sterols and bile acids in patients with adenomas and large bowel cancer
European Journal of Cancer Prevention . 8 ( 5 ) : 409-416
Journal article
see the publicationLe contrôle local de la tumeur primitive. Étape indispensable de la guérison des cancers
Cancer/Radiothérapie . 2 ( 6 ) : 668-671
Journal article
see the publication
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