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Maître de conférences

Ingénieur d'études CDD

Professeure d'université - praticienne hospitalière
Tel: 33 04 78 78 28 27

Professeure d'université - praticienne hospitalière
Tel: 33 04 78 86 57 64

Maîtresse de conférences - praticienne hospitalière
Tel: 33 04 72 11 57 22

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Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 78 86 21 84

Maître de conférences - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 11 52 38
Display of 961 to 990 publications on 1093 in total
Correction of nutrition test errors for more accurate quantification of the link between dental health and malnutrition
Nutrition . 23 : 301-307
Journal article
see the publicationEffect of latency period after premature rupture of membranes on 2 years infant mortality (DOMINOS study)
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology . 135 : 21-27
Journal article
see the publicationData Mining, Neural Nets, Trees \textemdash Problems 2 and 3 of Genetic Analysis Workshop 15
Genetic Epidemiology . 31 : S51--S60
Journal article
see the publicationEfficiency of multiple imputation to test for association in the presence of missing data.
BMC Proceedings . 1 Suppl 1 ( Suppl 1 ) : S24
Journal article
see the publicationAn individual-based model for describing the bullhead population dynamics in a river network
The 6th european conference on ecological modelling ECEM 07, Trieste, ITA, 27-30 novembre 2007 . : 1
Conference paper
see the publicationProstate dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with simple visual diagnostic criteria: is it reasonable?
European Radiology . 17 ( 6 ) : 1498-509
Journal article
see the publicationGenotype-Phenotype correlations in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: data from the French- Italian HHT network
Genetics in Medicine . 9 : 14-22
Journal article
see the publicationEffects of residential distance to hospitals with neonatal surgery care on prenatal management and outcome of pregnancies with severe fetal malformations
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology = Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology . 29 : 271-275
Journal article
see the publicationImpact of Spiramycin Treatment and Gestational Age on Maturation of Toxoplasma gondii Immunoglobulin G Avidity in Pregnant Women
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology . 14 : 239-243
Journal article
see the publicationMaternal leukocytosis after preterm premature rupture of membranes and infant neurodevelopmental outcome: a prospective population-based study
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada . 29 : 20-26
Journal article
see the publicationEfficacité de la stimulation intermittente du nerf vague dans les épilepsies pharmaco-résistantes non chirurgicales de l`adolescent et de l`adulte
Revue Neurologique . 163(12) : 1169-1177
Journal article
see the publicationLarynx Transplantation: Laryngectomees’ Opinion Poll
Transplantation . 84 ( 12 ) : 1584-1589
Journal article
see the publicationDealing with missing phase and missing data in phylogeny-based analysis.
BMC Proceedings . 1 Suppl 1 ( 1 ) : S22
Journal article
see the publicationData Mining Neural Nets Trees -- Problems 2 and 3 of Genetic Analysis Workshop 15
Genetic Epidemiology . 31 : S51-S60
Journal article
see the publicationGenotype-phenotype correlations in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia : Data from the French-Italian HHT network
Genetics in Medicine . 9 ( 1 ) : 14-22
Journal article
see the publicationRheumatoid arthritis and genetic markers in Syrian and French populations: different effect of the shared epitope
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases . 66 ( 2 ) : 195-201
Journal article
see the publicationMéthylation du spermatozoide en Assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP)
11. Journées nationales de la Fédération Française pour l'Etude de la Fertilité (FFER) . 34 ( 9 )
Conference paper
see the publicationGeographic variations in probability of pregnancy in four cities of France.
Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique . 54 : 55-60
Journal article
see the publicationAnalysis by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of the relationship between gonosomic aneuploidy and the results of assisted reproduction in men with severe oligozoospermia
Andrologia . 38 ( 4 ) : 137-141
Journal article
see the publicationBiais de sélection induits par le volontariat dans les études sur le sperme
Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique . 54 ( Suppl. 2 ) : 23
Journal article
see the publicationGeographic variations in probability of pregnancy in four cities of France
Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique . 54 ( 1 ) : 55-60
Journal article
see the publicationModelling the effect of tamoxifen chemoprevention on long-term mortality in white women at high risk of breast cancer
European Journal of Cancer Prevention . 15 : 347-352
Journal article
see the publicationPlaque density on CT, a potential marker of ischemic stroke.
Neurology . 66 ( 1 ) : 118-20
Journal article
see the publicationPlaque density on CT, a potential marker of ischemic stroke
Neurology . 66 ( 1 ) : 118-120
Journal article
see the publicationEstimates of the number of cancer patients hospitalized in a geographic area using claims data without a unique personal identifier
Methods of Information in Medicine . 45 : 515-522
Journal article
see the publicationScreening for multidrug-resistant bacteria as a predictive test for subsequent onset of nosocomial infection
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology . 27 : 1233-1241
Journal article
see the publicationFluoride exposure and bone status in patients with chronic intestinal failure who are receiving home parenteral nutrition
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . 83 : 1429-1437
Journal article
see the publicationIntra-articular reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with and without extra-articular supplementation by quadricipital tendon plasty: seven-year follow-up
Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Réparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur . 92 ( 8 ) : 788-797
Journal article
see the publicationInitial and late prognostic factors to predict survival in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
European Journal of Haematology . 77 ( 6 ) : 471-479
Journal article
see the publicationIncidence des accidents cardiovasculaires au cours de la maladie de Horton : résultats préliminaires de l`étude prospective en double
La Revue de Médecine Interne . 27 : 98-105
Journal article
see the publication
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