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Professeure d'université - praticienne hospitalière
Tel: 33 04 78 78 28 27

Professeure d'université - praticienne hospitalière
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Tel: 33 04 72 11 57 22

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Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 78 86 21 84

Maître de conférences - praticien hospitalier
Tel: 33 04 72 11 52 38
Display of 1021 to 1050 publications on 1093 in total
Longitudinal study of oxidative status in 312 Cystic Fibrosis patients in stable state during bronchial exacerbation
Pediatric Pulmonology . 38 : 43-49
Journal article
see the publicationCan Color Doppler Predict the Uniformity of HIFU-Induced Prostate Tissue Destruction?
The Prostate . 60 : 289-297
Journal article
see the publicationBook review of Biostatistical methods in epidemiology
Statistics in Medicine . 23 : 3722-3723
Journal article
see the publicationSuicide in the French armed forces
European Journal of Epidemiology . 19 : 823-829
Journal article
see the publicationSurveillance of duodenal adenomas in familial adenomatous polyposis reveals high cumulative risk of advanced disease
Journal of Clinical Oncology . 22 : 493-498
Journal article
see the publicationContrast enhancement in atherosclerosis development in a mouse model : in vivo results at 2 Tesla
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine . 17 ( 3-6 ) : 188-195
Journal article
see the publicationPrevalence of BSE in cattle found dead, euthanased or emergency slaughtered on farms in western France in 2000, 2001 and 2002
Veterinary Record . 155 ( 16 ) : 481-485
Journal article
see the publicationFollicular lymphoma international prognostic index
Blood . 104 ( 5 ) : 1258-1265
Journal article
see the publicationValue of rectal ultrasound in predicting staging and outcome in patients with rectal adenocarcinoma
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum . 47 ( 8 ) : 1323-1330
Journal article
see the publicationSurvival anatomic and functional long-term results in choroidal and ciliary body melanoma after ruthenium brachytherapy (15 years` experience with beta-rays)
American Journal of Ophthalmology . 137 : 893-900
Journal article
see the publicationSurvival after proton-bean irradiation of uveal melanomas
American Journal of Ophthalmology . 137 : 1002-1010
Journal article
see the publicationEstimated number of women likely to benefit from bone mineral density measurement in France.
Joint Bone Spine . 71 ( 5 ) : 409-18
Journal article
see the publicationEstimated number of women likely to benefit from bone mineral density measurement in France
Joint Bone Spine . 71 : 409-418
Journal article
see the publicationSensitivity and specificity of two methods used to identify incident breast cancer in specialized units using claims databases
Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique . -- : 651-654
Journal article
see the publicationA multicentre study of registration on renal transplantation waiting list of the elderly and patients with type 2 diabetes
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation . 19 : 207-214
Journal article
see the publicationPotentiation of focal ultrasound treatment of prostate adenocarcinoma by concomitant chemotherapy with estramustine phosphate and paclitaxel
Progrès en Urologie . 14 : 40-46
Journal article
see the publicationHow the surveillance system may bias the results of analytical epidemiological studies on BSE: prevalence among dairy versus beef suckler cattle breeds in France
Veterinary Research . 34 ( 2 ) : 185-192
Journal article
see the publicationOC090 : Acute efficacy of a sublingual dose of nifedipine on uterine arterial blood flow in premature menopausal women
13. World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology .
Conference paper
see the publicationThe in vitro effect of dual combinations of ritodrine, nicardipine and atosiban on contractility of pregnant rat myometrium
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . 110 : 731-734
Journal article
see the publicationOC090 : Acute efficacy of a sublingual dose of nifedipine on uterine arterial blood flow in premature menopausal women
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology = Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology . 22 ( suppl. ) : 25-26
Journal article
see the publicationL'étude de la fragmentation de l'ADN dans les spermatozoides a un intérêt
Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité . 31 : 1058-1063
Journal article
see the publicationQuantitation by image analysis of global DNA methylation in human spermatozoa and its prognostic value in in vitro fertilization : a preliminary study
Fertility and Sterility . 80 ( 4 ) : 947-953
Journal article
see the publicationSperm DNA fragmentation decreases the pregnancy rate in an assisted reproductive technique
Human Reproduction . 18 ( 5 ) : 1023-1028
Journal article
see the publicationA literature review to assess the use of claims databases in identifying incident cancer cases
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology . 4 : 49-63
Journal article
see the publicationRisk of occupational blood exposure in a cohort of 24 000 hospital healthcare workers: Position and environment analysis over three years
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine . 45 : 283-288
Journal article
see the publicationNon-réponses aux questionnaires de qualité de vie SF-36 dans un échantillon de l'étude SU.VI.MAX.
Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique . 51 : 513-525
Journal article
see the publicationCharacterization of time-enhancement curves of benign and malignant prostate tissue at dynamic MR imaging
European Radiology . 13 : 931-942
Journal article
see the publicationPatterns of outcome and prognostic factors in primary large-cell lymphoma of the testis in a survey by the International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group
Journal of Clinical Oncology . 21 ( 1 ) : 20-27
Journal article
see the publicationHow the surveillance system may bias the results of analytical epidemiological studies on BSE: prevalence among dairy versus beef suckler cattle breeds in France
Veterinary Research . 34 : 185-192
Journal article
see the publicationEvaluation de résolution de problèmes mal définis en éthique clinique : variation des scores selon les méthodes de correction et les caractéristique des jurys
Pédagogie médicale . 4 : 80-88
Journal article
see the publication
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