Evolutionary Demography Group

Technicien CDD
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Chargé de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 81 11

Maître de conférences
Tel: 33 04 78 87 27 63

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 81 11

Chargée de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 85 44

Professeure des universités
Tel: 33 04 72 44 80 18

Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Directeur de recherche
Tel: 33 04 72 44 80 18
Chargé de recherche
Tel: 04 72 44 81 11

Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42
Technicienne CDD
Tel: 04 72 44 81 42

Maîtresse de conférences
Tel: 04 72 43 27 85
Keywords: Aging - Behavioural Ecology - Climate Change - Conservation Biology - Comparative analyses - Demography - Eco-Evolutionary dynamics - Ecotoxicology - Ecophysiology - Epidemiology – Integrative Biology - Life History Traits - Movement Ecology - Parasitism - Population Dynamics - Wildlife Management
Overview: Our research aims to understand how ecology and evolution shape both the demography and the health of vertebrate populations in the wild, and in turn, how the demographic processes are determining the strength of trait selection. To reach these objectives, we are bridging conceptual and methodological advances from population ecology, evolution, demography, epidemiology and statistics. As our study models are vertebrate species with high societal value, our research projects are often led in collaboration with the Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB) and have an explicit applied component to improve the exploitation or the conservation of the targeted species.
Research axes:
- Quantifying the amount and the shape of individual heterogeneity in vertebrate populations in the wild, as well as its role in demographic and eco-evolutionary processes (with a special focus on mammals)
- Identifying and assessing the relative influence of the environmental (i.e. weather conditions, population density, habitat quality, predation, diseases, interspecific competition and anthropic pressure), evolutionary (e.g. phylogenetic inertia, lifestyle, size, and life history strategy), and individual (e.g. age, sex, or size) attributes that shape the diversity of individual trajectories, within and among populations of vertebrates
- Identifying population responses to global change, from phenotypic traits to demographic outputs such as population growth, age-structure and generation time
- Quantifying the magnitude of the sex-differences in trait-specific trajectories (with a special focus on the senescence process) and identifying the eco-evolutionary roots of these differences
- Identifying the genetic and physiological markers of aging for mammalian populations in the wild
- Exploring the evolutionary causes and consequences of actuarial and reproductive aging in the wild
- Assessing the health, demographic, and evolutionary implications of physiological stress at the individual level and quantifying their impact on population dynamics
- Determining the physiological and demographic implications of toxic pollutants for mammals in the wild
- Measuring health, behavioral, and demographic consequences of parasitism exposure
- Providing tools for the development of reliable predictions for population forecast of mammals with a high societal value
Biological models: Our research mostly relies on the long-term monitoring of mammalian populations in the wild. Thanks to a long-term collaboration with the OFB, we are collecting individual longitudinal data on a wide array of traits for more than 40 years for roe deer (Chizé and Trois-Fontaines study areas, France). Other ongoing long-term programs are focused on the Alpine marmot (Réserve de la Grande Sassière, France), Mouflon (Caroux-Espinouse massif, France), Wild boar (Châteauvillain, France), and Giraffe (Hwange, Zimbabwe).
Display of 571 to 600 publications on 764 in total
Higher than expected growth rate of the Endangered West African giraffe \textitGiraffa camelopardalis peralta : a successful human\textendashwildlife cohabitation
Oryx . 46 : 577--583
Journal article
see the publicationCondition-dependent natal dispersal in a large herbivore: heavier animals show a greater propensity to disperse and travel further
Journal of Animal Ecology . 81 ( 6 ) : 1327--1337
Journal article
see the publicationEstimating herbaceous plant biomass in mountain grasslands: a comparative study using three different methods
Alpine Botany . 122 : 57-63
Journal article
see the publicationModelling the seasonal spread of an emerging pestivirus in a structured Pyrenean chamois population
13. Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) . : 580 p.
Conference paper
see the publicationSeasonal spread of a pestivirus in a structured Pyrenean chamois population: a modelling tool
61. WDA - 10. biennal EWDA Conference "Convergence in Wildlife Health" . : 438 p.
see the publicationA simplified model system for Toxoplasma gondii spread within a heterogeneous environment
Nonlinear Dynamics . 68 ( 3 ) : 381-399
Journal article
see the publicationBovine tuberculosis in "Eurasian" badgers (Meles meles) in France
European Journal of Wildlife Research . 59 ( 3 ) : 331--339
Journal article
see the publicationRole of deformed shell effects on the mass asymmetry in nuclear fission of mercury isotopes
Physical Review C . 86 ( 6 ) : 064601
Journal article
see the publicationSperm competition roles and ejaculate investment in a promiscuous mammal
Journal of Evolutionary Biology . 25 : 1216--25
Journal article
see the publicationGenital morphology linked to social status in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology . 66 : 97--105
Journal article
see the publicationInbreeding avoidance behaviour of male bank voles in relation to social status
Animal Behaviour . 83 : 453--457
Journal article
see the publicationSpatial heterogeneity in mortality and its impact on the population dynamics of Eurasian woodcocks
Population Ecology . 54 : 305 - 312
Journal article
see the publicationGeographic variations of life history traits and potential trade-offs in different populations of the parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma
The Science of Nature Naturwissenschaften . 99 ( 11 ) : 903-912
Journal article
see the publicationLa biodiversité à travers des exemples. Services compris.
978-2-11-129644-2 : 184
see the publicationPaleodemographic analysis of a fossil porcupine (Hystrix refossa Gervais, 1852) population from the Upper Pleistocene site of Geula Cave (Mount Carmel, Israel)
Journal of Archaeological Science . 39 ( 9 ) : 3027-3038
Journal article
see the publicationMise au point d’un modèle de diagnostic des interactions entre structures paysagères, infrastructures de transports terrestres et espèces emblématiques. Le cas du Lynx dans le massif jurassien
see the publicationEnvironmental factors associated with the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in wild boars (Sus scrofa)
61. Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Disease Association .
see the publicationEnvironmental factors associated with the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Wild Boars (Sus scrofa), France
EcoHealth . 9 ( 3 ) : 303-9
Journal article
see the publicationImmune phenotype and body condition in roe deer: individuals with high body condition have different, not stronger immunity.
PLoS ONE . 7 ( 9 ) : e45576
Journal article
see the publicationA semi-Markov model to assess reliably survival patterns from birth to death in free-ranging populations
Methods in Ecology and Evolution . 2 : 383-389
Journal article
see the publicationAge-related male reproductive effort in two mountain ungulates of contrasting sexual size dimorphism
Canadian Journal of Zoology . 89 : 929-937
DOI: 10.1139/Z11-062
Journal article
see the publicationCat Dilemma: Too Protected To Escape Trophy Hunting?
PLoS ONE . 6 : 76-81
Journal article
see the publicationDigit ratio (2D:4D) predicts facial, but not voice or body odour, attractiveness in men
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 278 ( 1724 ) : 3551-3557
Journal article
see the publicationEscape migration decisions in Eurasian Woodcocks: insights from survival analyses using large-scale recovery data
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology . 65 : 1949 - 1955
Journal article
see the publicationPopulation density and phenotypic attributes influence the level of nematode parasitism in roe deer
Oecologia . 167 : 635-646
Journal article
see the publicationSustainable control of zoonotic pathogens in wildlife: how to be fair to wild animals?
Revue Scientifique et Technique Office International des Epizooties . 30 : 733-743
Journal article
see the publicationDaily responses of mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon \texttimes Ovis sp.) activity to summer climatic conditions
Canadian Journal of Zoology . 89 : 765-773
DOI: 10.1139/Z11-046
Journal article
see the publicationReproductive constraints, not environmental conditions, shape the ontogeny of sex-specific mass-size allometry in roe deer
Oikos . 120 ( 8 ) : 1217 - 1226
Journal article
see the publicationHigh Hunting Pressure Selects for Earlier Birth Date: Wild Boar as a Case Study
Evolution . 65 : 3100-3112
Journal article
see the publicationPredator-driven component Allee effects in a wild ungulate
Ecology Letters . 14 : 352-363
Journal article
see the publication
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