Delmotte Stéphane
Ingénieur d'études
Display of 1 to 9 publications on 9 in total
The Silene latifolia genome and its giant Y chromosome
Science . 387 ( 6734 ) : 630-636
Journal article
see the publicationDILS: Demographic inferences with linked selection by using ABC
Molecular Ecology Resources .
Journal article
see the publicationAnticoagulation prior to hospitalization is a potential protective factor for COVID-19: insight from a French multicenter cohort study
Journal of the American Heart Association . 10 ( 8 ) : e018288
Journal article
see the publicationIFB-Biosphère, Services Cloud pour l'Analyse des Données des Sciences de la Vie
JRES (Journées réseaux de l'enseignement et de la recherche ) 2019 .
Conference paper
see the publicationRiboDB database: a comprehensive resource for prokaryotic systematics
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 33 ( 8 ) : 2170--2172
Journal article
see the publicationRENABI GRISBI Infrastructure Distribuée pour la Bioinformatique
JOBIM 2011 - Journées Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématique .
Conference paper
see the publicationVirHostNet : a knowledge base for the management and the analysis of proteome-wide virus-host interaction networks
Nucleic Acids Research . 37 : D661-D668
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkn794
Journal article
see the publicationRemote access to ACNUC nucleotide and protein sequence databases at PBIL
Biochimie . 90 ( 4 ) : 555-562
Journal article
see the publicationDigiPINS: A database for vertebrate exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms and its application to cancer association studies
Biochimie . 90 ( 4 ) : 563-569
Journal article
see the publication