COEVOL Multi-Scale Coevolution
Evolutionary Genetics of Interactions Group
Vavre Fabrice
Directeur de recherche
Who am we? Who are I?
These two strange questions perfectly define my research interests. I study interspecific relationships, anotably symbiotic interactions, using as a model the interactions between arthropods and bacteria with mainly vertical transmission (from mother to offspring). The objective is to understand the dynamics of this chimeric individual, the factors that orient these interactions towards conflict or cooperation, and their consequences on the extended phenotype of the individual and the evolution of each of the partners. The subtlety of these interactions, which continually navigate between selfish and shared interests, is particularly important to consider and integrate into the trendy study of the holobiont and the microbiota. This general theme is currently structured around 3 main projects:
Co-adaptation within holobionts. Within the framework of the ANR Hmicmac project, we are seeking, with Laurence Mouton, to test the hypothesis that host-microbiota interactions should lead to co-adaptation between partners. This hypothesis is tested using experimental evolution based on situations where these possible co-adaptations are initially broken and then left free to evolve again. This approach is being carried out on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci and its symbiotic bacteria at the LBBE, and will be compared with similar experiments carried out on the pea aphid. This project also involves the IGEPP (Rennes) and BF2I (Lyon) laboratories.
Response of symbioses to stress. Within the framework of the RESIST project (ANR JCJC, coord. Natacha Kremer, LBBE), we are seeking to test whether symbiosis is a driving force or a barrier to adaptation to new environmental stresses. We are using the association between Drosophila melanogaster and Wolbachia (wMelPop strain), which is subjected to punctual or chronic stresses with either a pro-oxidant agent (the herbicide paraquat), or virus C, or both simultaneously.
Dynamics of obligate symbiotic interactions in ticks. Within the framework of the MICROM project (ANR, coord. O. Duron, MIVEGEC), we are seeking to understand the whys and wherefores of recurrent replacements of obligate nutritional symbionts in ticks. Indeed, these strict haematophagous arthropods depend on nutritional symbionts providing them with B vitamins. However, multiple replacement events have occurred during tick evolution. Future work at the LBBE will be dedicated to comparative genomics of symbionts from different tick species.
Finally, within the framework of several projects (SBP MicroBeHave, 2 CIFRE theses, an ANR and a project), we have developed with Julien Varaldi and Natacha Kremer, in collaboration with the BF2I laboratory and the company Izinovation, a new project on bedbugs, a re-emerging pest due to its resistance to insecticides, strictly haematophagous and totally dependent on symbionts of the Wolbachia genus for the supply of B vitamins. Our work seeks to characterise the genetic mechanisms of resistance and to better understand the genetic and metabolic dialogue between the insect and its symbiont.
Development of "One Health" approaches in Lyon
In addition to these scientific aspects, I am also involved in the construction of the research ecosystem in Lyon on One Health approaches. This has led me to lead the Symbiotron platform project for more than 10 years, and since 2021 to coordinate the recently funded Equipex+ Infectiotron project led by the University of Lyon 1. This project seeks to develop a set of coordinated tools for the operational development of projects on infectious diseases from their natural environment to the laboratory, with a particular focus on level 3 pathogens. I am also actively involved in the implementation and development of the SHAPE-Med@Lyon project, also led by the University of Lyon 1, and in particular for the development of the Lyon Transdisciplinary Health Institute.
Display of 61 to 90 publications on 103 in total
A new case of Wolbachia dependence in the genus Asobara: evidence for parthenogenesis induction in Asobara japonica
Heredity . 103 ( 3 ) : 248-256
DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2009.63
Journal article
see the publicationMolecular detection and identification of Rickettsia endosymbiont in different biotypes of Bemisia tabaci
Clinical Microbiology and Infection . -- : 1-2
Journal article
see the publicationMaintenance of adaptive differentiation by Wolbachia induced bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility: the importance of sib-mating and genetic systems.
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 9 : 185
Journal article
see the publicationEviter les tricheurs: mode de transmission et stabilité des symbioses
Biofutur . 299 : 33-35
Journal article
see the publicationDrosophila-parasitoid communities as model systems for host-Wolbachia interactions.
Advances in Parasitology . 70 : 299-331
Journal article
see the publicationInfecciones múltiples regulación y evolución de poblaciones simbióticas
incollection . -- : 197-226
Journal article
see the publicationDrosophila–Parasitoid Communities as Model Systems for Host–Wolbachia Interactions
incollection . 70 : 229-331
Journal article
see the publicationWolbachia interferes with ferritin expression and iron metabolism in insects.
PLoS Pathogens . 5 ( 10 ) : e1000630
Journal article
see the publicationImmunity and symbiosis.
Molecular Microbiology . 73 ( 5 ) : 751-9
Journal article
see the publicationInteractions between vertically transmitted symbionts: cooperation or conflict ?
Trends in Microbiology . 17 : 95-99
Journal article
see the publicationEvolution des interactions symbiotiques chez les insectes : A quel niveau de sélection se vouer ?
incollection . -- : 33-35
Journal article
see the publicationInherited intracellular ecosystem: symbiotic bacteria share bacteriocytes in whiteflies
FASEB Journal . 22 : 1-9
Journal article
see the publicationDo vertically transmitted symbionts co-existing in a single host compete or cooperate? A modelling approach
Journal of Evolutionary Biology . 21 : 145-161
Journal article
see the publicationIntense transpositional activity of insertion sequences in an ancient obligate endosymbiont
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 25 ( 9 ) : 1889-1896
Journal article
see the publicationIs symbiosis evolution influenced by the pleiotropic role of programmed cell death in immunity an development ?
Insect Symbiosis . 3 : 57-76
Book chapter
see the publicationEvolution and invasion dynamics of multiple infections with Wolbachia investigated using matrix based models.
Journal of Theoretical Biology . 245 : 197-209
Journal article
see the publicationParasitic inhibition of cell death facilitates symbiosis.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 104 ( 1 ) : 213-5
Journal article
see the publicationTomato yellow leaf curl virus transmission efficacy is determined by symbiotic bacteria in the vector the sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci
Entomological Research . 37(1) : A42-A43
Journal article
see the publicationA Survey of the Bacteriophage WO in the Endosymbiotic Bacteria Wolbachia
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 24 : 427-435
Journal article
see the publicationInteraction between host genotype and environmental conditions affects bacterial density in Wolbachia symbiosis
Biology Letters . 3 : 210-213
Journal article
see the publicationEffect of temperature on Wolbachia density and impact on cytoplasmic incompatibility
Parasitology . 132 : 49-56
Journal article
see the publicationMultiple infections and diversity of cytoplasmic incompatibility in a haplodiploid species
Heredity . 94 : 187-192
Journal article
see the publicationAn efficient procedure for purification of the obligate intracellular Wolbachia pipientis and representative amplification of its genome by multiple displacement amplification
Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 71 : 6910-6917
Journal article
see the publicationWolbachia requierement for oogenesis : occurence within the genus Asobara (Hynoptera, Braconidae) and evidence for intraspecific variation in A. tabida.
Heredity . 95 : 394-400
Journal article
see the publicationEfficient procedure for purification of obligate intracellular Wolbachia pipientis and representative amplification of its génome by multiple-pisplacement amplification
Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 71 ( 11 ) : 6910-6917
Journal article
see the publicationWolbachia requirement for oogenesis: occurrence within the genus Asobara (Hymenoptera Braconidae) and evidence for intraspecific variation in A. tabida
Heredity . -- : 267-282
Journal article
see the publicationCytogenetic mechanism and genetic consequences of thelytoky in the wasp Trichogramma cacoeciae
Heredity . 93 : 592-596
Journal article
see the publicationVirulence multiple infections and regulation of symbiotic population in the Wolbachia-Asobara tabida symbiosis
Genetics . 168 : 181-189
Journal article
see the publicationDiversity distribution and specificity of WO phage infection in Wolbachia of four insect species
Insect Molecular Biology . 13 : 147-153
Journal article
see the publicationIntra-individual coexistence of a Wolbachia strain required for host oogenesis with two strains inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility in the wasp Asobara tabida
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 58 : 2167-2174
Journal article
see the publication