COEVOL Multi-Scale Coevolution
Evolutionary Genetics of Interactions Group
Vavre Fabrice
Directeur de recherche
Who am we? Who are I?
These two strange questions perfectly define my research interests. I study interspecific relationships, anotably symbiotic interactions, using as a model the interactions between arthropods and bacteria with mainly vertical transmission (from mother to offspring). The objective is to understand the dynamics of this chimeric individual, the factors that orient these interactions towards conflict or cooperation, and their consequences on the extended phenotype of the individual and the evolution of each of the partners. The subtlety of these interactions, which continually navigate between selfish and shared interests, is particularly important to consider and integrate into the trendy study of the holobiont and the microbiota. This general theme is currently structured around 3 main projects:
Co-adaptation within holobionts. Within the framework of the ANR Hmicmac project, we are seeking, with Laurence Mouton, to test the hypothesis that host-microbiota interactions should lead to co-adaptation between partners. This hypothesis is tested using experimental evolution based on situations where these possible co-adaptations are initially broken and then left free to evolve again. This approach is being carried out on the whitefly Bemisia tabaci and its symbiotic bacteria at the LBBE, and will be compared with similar experiments carried out on the pea aphid. This project also involves the IGEPP (Rennes) and BF2I (Lyon) laboratories.
Response of symbioses to stress. Within the framework of the RESIST project (ANR JCJC, coord. Natacha Kremer, LBBE), we are seeking to test whether symbiosis is a driving force or a barrier to adaptation to new environmental stresses. We are using the association between Drosophila melanogaster and Wolbachia (wMelPop strain), which is subjected to punctual or chronic stresses with either a pro-oxidant agent (the herbicide paraquat), or virus C, or both simultaneously.
Dynamics of obligate symbiotic interactions in ticks. Within the framework of the MICROM project (ANR, coord. O. Duron, MIVEGEC), we are seeking to understand the whys and wherefores of recurrent replacements of obligate nutritional symbionts in ticks. Indeed, these strict haematophagous arthropods depend on nutritional symbionts providing them with B vitamins. However, multiple replacement events have occurred during tick evolution. Future work at the LBBE will be dedicated to comparative genomics of symbionts from different tick species.
Finally, within the framework of several projects (SBP MicroBeHave, 2 CIFRE theses, an ANR and a project), we have developed with Julien Varaldi and Natacha Kremer, in collaboration with the BF2I laboratory and the company Izinovation, a new project on bedbugs, a re-emerging pest due to its resistance to insecticides, strictly haematophagous and totally dependent on symbionts of the Wolbachia genus for the supply of B vitamins. Our work seeks to characterise the genetic mechanisms of resistance and to better understand the genetic and metabolic dialogue between the insect and its symbiont.
Development of "One Health" approaches in Lyon
In addition to these scientific aspects, I am also involved in the construction of the research ecosystem in Lyon on One Health approaches. This has led me to lead the Symbiotron platform project for more than 10 years, and since 2021 to coordinate the recently funded Equipex+ Infectiotron project led by the University of Lyon 1. This project seeks to develop a set of coordinated tools for the operational development of projects on infectious diseases from their natural environment to the laboratory, with a particular focus on level 3 pathogens. I am also actively involved in the implementation and development of the SHAPE-Med@Lyon project, also led by the University of Lyon 1, and in particular for the development of the Lyon Transdisciplinary Health Institute.
Display of 31 to 60 publications on 103 in total
Two Host Clades, Two Bacterial Arsenals: Evolution through Gene Losses in Facultative Endosymbionts.
Genome Biology and Evolution . 7 ( 3 ) : 839-855
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evv030
Journal article
see the publicationDetection of genetically isolated entities within the Mediterranean species of Bemisia tabaci: new insights into the systematics of this worldwide pest
Pest Management Science . 71 ( 3 ) : 452-458
DOI: 10.1002/ps.3834
Journal article
see the publicationParasite-Parasite Interactions in the Wild: How To Detect Them?
Trends in Parasitology .
Journal article
see the publicationSpodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) host-plant variants: two host strains or two distinct species?
Genetica . 143 ( 3 ) : 305-316
Journal article
see the publicationThe Genome of Cardinium cBtQ1 Provides Insights into Genome Reduction, Symbiont Motility, and Its Settlement in Bemisia tabaci
Genome Biology and Evolution . 6 ( 4 ) : 1013-1030
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evu077
Journal article
see the publicationMicrobial impacts on insect evolutionary diversification: from patterns to mechanisms
Current Opinion in Insect Science . 4 : 29--34
Journal article
see the publicationEpidemiology of asexuality induced by the endosymbiotic Wolbachia across phytophagous wasp species: host plant specialization matters.
Molecular Ecology Notes . 23 ( 9 ) : 2362-2375
DOI: 10.1111/mec.12737
Journal article
see the publicationSigns of Neutralization in a Redundant Gene Involved in Homologous Recombination in Wolbachia Endosymbionts
Genome Biology and Evolution . 10 ( 6 ) : 2654-2664
DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evu207
Journal article
see the publicationManipulation of arthropod sex determination by endosymbionts: diversity and molecular mechanisms
Sexual Development . : 59-73
Journal article
see the publicationThe Genome of Cardinium cBtQ1 Provides Insights into Genome Reduction, Symbiont Motility, and Its Settlement in Bemisia tabaci
Genome Biology and Evolution . 6 ( 4 ) : 1013-1030
Journal article
see the publicationDistribution of endosymbiotic reproductive manipulators reflects invasion process and not reproductive system polymorphism in the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata
PLoS ONE . 8 ( 3 ) : e58467
Journal article
see the publicationBiotype status and resistance to neonicotinoids and carbosulfan in Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in Burkina Faso, West Africa
International Journal of Pest Management . 59 ( 2 ) : 95-102
Journal article
see the publicationDistribution of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) biotypes and their associated symbiotic bacteria on host plants in West Africa
Insect conservation and diversity . 6 ( 3 ) : 411 - 421
Journal article
see the publicationEndosymbiont diversity among sibling weevil species competing for the same resource
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 13 : 28
Journal article
see the publicationInteractions et rétroactions : rôle de leur écologie et de leur évolution dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.
Prospectives de l’Institut Ecologie et Environnement du CNRS .
Book chapter
see the publicationInfluence of the virus LbFV and of Wolbachia in a host-parasitoid interaction.
PLoS ONE . 7 ( 4 ) : 1-10
Journal article
see the publicationComplete Genome Sequence of "Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum" BT-QVLC, an Obligate Symbiont That Supplies Amino Acids and Carotenoids to Bemisia tabaci.
Journal of Bacteriology . 194 ( 23 ) : 6654-6655
DOI: 10.1128/JB.01793-12
Journal article
see the publicationEvolution and control of host-microbe symbiosis in arthropods: an RNAseq-based transcriptomic analysis
7. International Wolbachia conference . 978-2-911320-44-6
Conference paper
see the publicationMaking (good) use of Wolbachia: what the models say.
Current Opinion in Microbiology . 15 ( 3 ) : 263-8
Journal article
see the publicationInfluence of Wolbachia on host gene expression in an obligatory symbiosis.
BMC Microbiology . 12 ( Suppl 1 ) : 1-16
Journal article
see the publicationDoes a parthenogenesis-inducing Wolbachia induce vestigial cytoplasmic incompatibility?
The Science of Nature Naturwissenschaften . 98 ( 3 ) : 175-80
Journal article
see the publicationRNA-seq without a reference genome: a comparison of the mapping and the assembly approaches
Conference paper
see the publicationBacterial symbionts in insects or the story of communities affecting communities.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 366 ( 1569 ) : 1389-400
Journal article
see the publicationIntraspecific specialization of the generalist parasitoid Cotesia sesamiae revealed by polyDNAvirus polymorphism and associated with different Wolbachia infection.
Molecular Ecology . 20 ( 5 ) : 959-71
Journal article
see the publicationEndosymbionts of arthropods and nematodes: allies to fight infectious diseases?
Médecine/Sciences . 27 ( 11 ) : 953-958
Journal article
see the publicationDo variable compensatory mechanisms explain the polymorphism of the dependence phenotype in the Asobara tabida-wolbachia association?
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution . 64 ( 10 ) : 2969-79
Journal article
see the publicationEndosymbiont metacommunities, mtDNA diversity and the evolution of the Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) species complex.
Molecular Ecology . 19 ( 19 ) : 4365-4378
Journal article
see the publicationÉvolution des interactions entre espèces
Biologie évolutive . : 533-616
Book chapter
see the publicationIntragenomic conflict in populations infected by Parthenogenesis Inducing Wolbachia ends with irreversible loss of sexual reproduction.
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 10 : 229
Journal article
see the publicationThe transmission efficiency of tomato yellow leaf curl virus by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci is correlated with the presence of a specific symbiotic bacterium species.
Journal of Virology . 84 ( 18 ) : 9310-7
DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00423-10
Journal article
see the publication