Statistiques et Modélisation pour les Sciences de la Santé
Equipe Evaluation et Modélisation des Effets Thérapeutiques
Gueyffier François
Professeur d'université - praticien hospitalier émérite
69376 LYON cedex 08
Professor François GUEYFFIER has more than 30 years of experience in clinical pharmacology and modeling in pharmacology. He coordinated the EU-USA INDANA consortium (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_indana/) for performing individual data meta-analyzes (IPDMA) of randomized controlled trials in hypertension (Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, USA, China), leading to more than 20 international publications in this field. This experiment served to illustrate how the IPDMA approach could / should influence the recommendations and design of new randomized controlled trials (doi: 10.1016 / j.jclinepi.2015.05.024). He is the author of 214 publications recorded in Pubmed, 269 according to web of science, H index 36 for WoS.
He coordinated the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) in Lyon during its first 10 years (2001-2011), as well as the working group on data management in the French CIC network. He helped to establish the requirements for data management centers in the European network ECRIN (http://www.ecrin.org). The data management platform he coordinates in Lyon is ECRIN certified in July 2016 (http://www.ecrin.org/news/two-data-centres-receive-ecrin-certification). He prepares a recertification for a larger perimeter, including almost all support services for clinical research in Lyon University Hospitals – Hospices Civils de Lyon.
He was PI of the national network for patient recruitment in the IDEAL trial (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_ideal/) to identify biomarkers predictive of response to antihypertensive therapy.
He coordinated the BIMBO national consortium (http://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_bimbo/) to help identify markers of antihypertensive drug response by combining the modeling and clinical pharmacology approach.
His team (Dr Patrice NONY and Dr Catherine CORNU) coordinated the European project PriomedChild CRESIM (https://lbbe.univ-lyon1.fr/-CRESIM-.html), to help the choice of the best experimental plan by the simulation of clinical tests.
He teaches clinical pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine. He is co-head of a master's degree course 2 "pharmacology modeling and clinical trials", local leader of the Inter University Diploma “training clinical trial investigators”. He was in charge of organizing experts committees for HCERES, member of selection committees of local and national research projects, member of the Commission de Transparence of Haute Autorité de Santé vice-chief of the Health Data Department of the Hospices Civils de Lyon.
Affichage des publications 1 à 30 sur 172 au total
Estimating individualized treatment effects using an individual participant data meta-analysis
BMC Medical Research Methodology . 24 ( 1 ) : 74
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationFondamentaux de l’évaluation des thérapeutiques, médicamenteuses et non médicamenteuses – un cadre pour l’évaluation des processus d’autoguérison
HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale . N° 4 ( 4 ) : 347-358
DOI: 10.3917/heg.134.0347
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationRapid access to innovative medicinal products while ensuring relevant health technology assessment. Position of the French National Authority for Health
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine . 29 ( 1 ) : 1-5
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationQu’est-ce qu’une thérapeutique ? Analyse conceptuelle de la notion de placebo, d’effet placebo, d’effet spécifique et de thérapeutique
HEGEL - HEpato-GastroEntérologie Libérale . N° 4 ( 4 ) : 325-334
DOI: 10.3917/heg.134.0325
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationOlaparib in recurrent isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant high-grade glioma: A phase 2 multicenter study of the POLA Network
Neuro-Oncology Advances . 6 ( 1 )
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationTransposable element expression with variation in sex chromosome number: insights into a toxic Y effect on human longevity
Peer Community In Genomics .
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationAgent-based models to simulate the COVID-19 epidemic: Understanding the contributions of the determinants of disease spread
44th Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB44) .
voir la publicationGranulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in patients presenting sepsis-induced immunosuppression: The GRID randomized controlled trial
Journal of Critical Care . 78 ( 1 ) : 154330
DOI: 10.1370/afm.2908
Article dans une revue
voir la publication[Does aspirin have a place in primary cardiovascular prevention by the polypill ? Simulation study on a realistic virtual population].
Therapies . 78 ( 6 ) : 667-678
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationImplementation of a centralized pharmacovigilance system in academic pan‐European clinical trials: Experience from EU‐Response and conect4children consortia
Therapies . 78 ( 5 ) : S11-S18
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model of a methionine starvation based anti-cancer drug
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing . 61 ( 7 ) : 1697-1722
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationDiabetes, periodontitis, and cardiovascular disease: towards equity in diabetes care
Frontiers in Public Health . 11 ( 1 ) : 1270557
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model of a methionine starvation based anti-cancer drug
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing . 61 ( 7 ) : 1697-1722
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationProject Rebuild the Evidence Base (REB): a method to interpret randomised clinical trials and their meta-analysis to present solid benefit-risk assessments to patients
Therapies . 78 ( 4 ) : 353-365
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationL’aspirine a-t-elle une place dans la prévention cardiovasculaire primaire par la polypill ? Étude de simulation sur une population virtuelle réaliste
Therapies . 78 ( 6 ) : 667-678
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationGranulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in patients presenting sepsis-induced immunosuppression: The GRID randomized controlled trial
Journal of Critical Care . 78 : 154330
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPreuves de bénéfice et décision thérapeutique : enquête auprès de médecins généralistes sur la prescription d’hydroxychloroquine pour traiter la Covid-19
Exercer . 34 ( 195 ) : 298-304
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationA Knowledge-Based Approach for Evaluating Impact of Therapeutic Strategies
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence . 3 : 1036-1046
Acte de congrès
voir la publicationProjet Rebuild the Evidence Base
Exercer . 34 ( 190 ) : 81-88
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPopulation designations in biomedical research: limitations and perspectives
HLA: Immune Response Genetics . 101 ( 1 ) : 3-15
DOI: 10.1111/tan.14852
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationEstimating individualized treatment effects using individual participant data meta-analysis
voir la publicationA randomized controlled phase III study comparing hadrontherapy with carbon ions versus conventional radiotherapy – including photon and proton therapy – for the treatment of radioresistant tumors: the ETOILE trial
BMC Cancer . 22 ( 1 ) : 575
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationIndirect Comparison of Glucocorticoid-Sparing Agents for Remission Maintenance in Giant Cell Arteritis: A Network Meta-analysis
Mayo Clinic Proceedings . 97 ( 10 ) : 1824-1835
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationSGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular outcome trials balancing their risks and benefits
Diabetologia . 65 : 2000-2010
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationNeeds for re-intervention on restored teeth in adults: a practice-based study
Clinical Oral Investigations . 26 ( 1 ) : 789-801
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPredicted Impacts of Booster, Immunity Decline, Vaccination Strategies, and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on COVID-19 Outcomes in France
Vaccines . 10 ( 12 ) : 2033
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationSelected and simplified FDI criteria for assessment of restorations
Journal of Dentistry . 122 : 104109
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationHow do they add up? The interaction between the placebo and treatment effect: A systematic review
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology . 88 ( 8 ) : 3638-3656
DOI: 10.1111/bcp.15345
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationPlace of a new radiological index in predicting pulp exposure before intervention for deep carious lesions
Oral Radiology . 38 ( 1 ) : 89-98
Article dans une revue
voir la publicationOlaparib in recurrent IDH-mutant high-grade glioma (OLAGLI)
57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (2021 ASCO Annual Meeting) . 39 ( 15S ) : 2007
Acte de congrès
voir la publication