GECO Evolutionary and Computational Genomics
Bioinformatics, Phylogeny and Evolutionary Genomics Group
Stoneking Mark
Chercheur invité
Display of 61 to 71 publications on 71 in total
Dynamic nature of the proximal AZFc region of the human Y chromosome: multiple independent deletion and duplication events revealed by microsatellite analysis.
Human Mutation . 29 ( 10 ) : 1171-80
DOI: 10.1002/humu.20757
Journal article
see the publicationA melanocortin 1 receptor allele suggests varying pigmentation among neanderthals
Other publication
see the publicationA melanocortin 1 receptor allele suggests varying pigmentation among neanderthals
Other publication
see the publicationIn search of polymorphic Alu insertions with restricted geographic distributions
Genomics . 90 : 154-158
Journal article
see the publicationMating patterns amongst Siberian reindeer herders: Inferences from mtDNA and Y-chromosomal analyses
American Journal of Physical Anthropology . 133 ( 3 ) : 1013-1027
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.20590
Journal article
see the publicationInvestigating the effects of prehistoric migrations in Siberia: genetic variation and the origins of Yakuts
Human Genetics . 120 ( 3 ) : 334-353
Journal article
see the publicationMelanesian and Asian origins of Polynesians: mtDNA and Y chromosome gradients across the Pacific
Molecular Biology and Evolution . 23 : 2234-2244
Journal article
see the publicationRecent Origin and Cultural Reversion of a Hunter–Gatherer Group
PLoS Biology . 3 ( 3 ) : e71
Journal article
see the publicationMitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics . 6 ( 1 ) : 165-183
Journal article
see the publicationMitochondrial DNA evidence for admixed origins of central Siberian populations
American Journal of Physical Anthropology . 120 ( 3 ) : 211-224
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.10145
Journal article
see the publicationY-chromosomal evidence for a strong reduction in male population size of Yakuts
Human Genetics . 110 ( 2 ) : 198-200
Journal article
see the publication