Display of 1 to 30 publications on 36 in total
The expensive son hypothesis
Journal of Animal Ecology . 94 : 20-44
Journal article
see the publicationFemale Embryos Are More Likely to Die than Males in a Wild Mammal
The American Naturalist . 205 ( 2 ) : 000-000
DOI: 10.1086/733425
Journal article
see the publicationSons Shorten Mother’s Lifespan in Preindustrial Families with a High Level of Infant Mortality
The American Naturalist . 204 : 315 - 326
DOI: 10.1086/731792
Journal article
see the publicationDOHaD: A Menagerie of Adaptations and Perspectives: Long-lasting effects of the presence of male siblings in utero on subsequent reproductive performance
Reproduction [Cambridge] . 167 ( 3 ) : e230049
DOI: 10.1530/rep-23-0049
Journal article
see the publicationMales can adjust offspring sex ratio in an adaptive fashion through different mechanisms
BioEssays . : 2000264
Journal article
see the publicationLifespan decreases with proportion of sons in males but not females of zoo‐housed tigers and lemurs
Journal of Evolutionary Biology .
DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13793
Journal article
see the publicationHow much energetic trade‐offs limit selection? Insights from livestock and related laboratory model species
Evolutionary Applications . 14 ( 12 ) : 2726-2749
DOI: 10.1111/eva.13320
Journal article
see the publicationAre human natal sex ratio differences across the world adaptive? A test of Fisher's principle
Biology Letters . 17 ( 3 )
Journal article
see the publicationSons accelerate maternal aging in a wild mammal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . 117 ( 9 ) : 4850-4857
Journal article
see the publicationA negative association between horn length and survival in a weakly dimorphic ungulate
Ecology and Evolution . 10 ( 6 ) : 2793-2802
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6050
Journal article
see the publicationTrophy hunting mediates sex‐specific associations between early‐life environmental conditions and adult mortality in bighorn sheep
Journal of Animal Ecology . 88 ( 5 ) : 734-745
Journal article
see the publicationMaternal longevity and offspring sex in wild ungulates
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 286 ( 1896 ) : 20181968
Journal article
see the publicationThe Adaptive Sex in Stressful Environments
Trends in Ecology & Evolution . 34 ( 7 ) : 628--640
Journal article
see the publicationDrivers and demographic consequences of seasonal mass changes in an alpine ungulate
Ecology . 99 ( 3 ) : 724-734
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2141
Journal article
see the publicationGeneral conclusion to the special issue Moving forward on individual heterogeneity
Oikos . 127 ( 5 ) : 750-756
DOI: 10.1111/oik.05223
Journal article
see the publicationThe role of fathers in mammalian sex allocation
Mammal Review . 48 ( 1 ) : 67-74
DOI: 10.1111/mam.12112
Journal article
see the publicationQuantifying individual heterogeneity and its influence on life‐history trajectories: different methods for different questions and contexts
Oikos . 127 ( 5 ) : 687-704
DOI: 10.1111/oik.04725
Journal article
see the publicationOffspring sex ratio in mammals and the Trivers‐Willard hypothesis: In pursuit of unambiguous evidence
BioEssays . 39 ( 9 )
Journal article
see the publicationSuccesses and challenges of long-term field studies of marked ungulates
Journal of Mammalogy . 98 ( 3 ) : 612-620
Journal article
see the publicationEnvironmental and evolutionary effects on horn growth of male bighorn sheep
Oikos . 126 ( 7 ) : 1031-1041
DOI: 10.1111/oik.03799
Journal article
see the publicationMaternal condition and previous reproduction interact to affect offspring sex in a wild mammal
Biology Letters . 12 ( 8 ) : 20160510
Journal article
see the publicationPaternal reproductive success drives sex allocation in a wild mammal
Evolution international journal of organic evolution . 70 ( 2 ) : 358-368
DOI: 10.1111/evo.12860
Journal article
see the publicationThe influence of weather conditions during gestation on life histories in a wild Arctic ungulate
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 283 ( 1841 )
Journal article
see the publicationLife Histories, Axes of Variation in
The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology . 978-0-12-800049-6 : 312-323
Book chapter
see the publicationHigh Juvenile Mortality Is Associated with Sex-Specific Adult Survival and Lifespan in Wild Roe Deer
Current Biology . 25 ( 6 ) : 759-763
Journal article
see the publicationThe influence of birth date via body mass on individual fitness in a long-lived mammal
Ecology . 96 ( 6 ) : 1516-1528
DOI: 10.1890/14-0106.1
Journal article
see the publicationHigh juvenile mortality is associated with sex-specific adult survival and lifespan in wild roe deer
Current Biology . 25 ( 6 ) : 759-63
Journal article
see the publicationEarly-late life trade-offs and the evolution of ageing in the wild
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 282 ( 1806 ) : 20150209
Journal article
see the publicationChanges in horn size of Stone's sheep over four decades correlate with trophy hunting pressure
Ecological Applications . 26 : 309-321
DOI: 10.1890/14-1461.1
Journal article
see the publication