Display of 1 to 29 publications on 29 in total
Social interactions throughout life impair longevity and age-specific mating success in male parasitoids
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology . 78 : 90
Journal article
see the publicationForaging at night under artificial light: impacts on senescence and lifetime reproductive success for a diurnal insect
Animal Behaviour . 210 : 85-98
Journal article
see the publicationThe for gene as one of the drivers of foraging variations in a parasitic wasp
Molecular Ecology . 32 ( 7 ) : 1760-1776
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16834
Journal article
see the publicationThe for gene as one of the drivers of foraging variations in a parasitic wasp
Molecular Ecology . 32 ( 7 ) : 1760-1776
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16834
Journal article
see the publicationThe for gene as one of the drivers of foraging variations in a parasitic wasp
Molecular Ecology . 32 ( 7 ) : 1760-1776
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16834
Journal article
see the publicationThe for gene as one of the drivers of foraging variations in a parasitic wasp
Molecular Ecology . 32 ( 7 ) : 1760-1776
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16834
Journal article
see the publicationReproductive behaviours in male parasitoids: From mating system to pairing pattern
Ethology . 129 ( 3 ) : 156-168
DOI: 10.1111/eth.13354
Journal article
see the publicationDealing with host and food searching in a diurnal parasitoid: consequences of light at night at intra‐ and trans‐generational levels
Insect conservation and diversity . 14 ( 2 ) : 235-246
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12477
Journal article
see the publicationInsects and incest: Sib‐mating tolerance in natural populations of a parasitoid wasp
Molecular Ecology . 29 ( 3 ) : 596-609
DOI: 10.1111/mec.15340
Journal article
see the publicationMechanistic, ecological, and evolutionary consequences of artificial light at night for insects: review and prospective
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata . 167 ( 1 ) : 37-58
DOI: 10.1111/eea.12754
Journal article
see the publicationEvidence for risk-taking behavioural types and potential effects on resource acquisition in a parasitoid wasp
Animal Behaviour . 154 : 17-28
Journal article
see the publicationInsect personality: what can we learn from metamorphosis?
Current Opinion in Insect Science . 27 : 46-51
Journal article
see the publicationEnseigner les recueil des données : explorer la variabilité biologique ... au chaud, dans une salle de cours
Statistique et Enseignement . 8 ( 2 ) : 79-85
Journal article
see the publicationAdaptations to different habitats in sexual and asexual populations of parasitoid wasps: a meta-analysis
PeerJ . 5 : e3699
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3699
Journal article
see the publicationArrhenotokous parthenogenesis and mate-finding Allee effect in parasitoids
SFécologie .
Conference paper
see the publicationTrophic interactions may reverse the demographic consequences of inbreeding
Ecology . 97 ( 11 ) : 3131 - 3142
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1544
Journal article
see the publicationImpact of the mate-finding Allee effect on the competitiveness of diploid versus haplodiploid parasitoids: a theoretical approach
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting .
Conference paper
see the publicationDemographic consequences of Complementary Sex Determination in Hymenoptera parasitoids
see the publicationHost-Parasitoid Dynamics and the Success of Biological Control When Parasitoids Are Prone to Allee Effects
PLoS ONE . 8 ( 10 ) : e76768
Journal article
see the publicationFacing multiple information sources while foraging on successive patches: how does a parasitoid deal with experience?
Animal Behaviour . 83 : 189--199
Journal article
see the publicationEffet Allee comportemental chez les parasitoïdes : impacts démographiques et conséquences pour la lutte biologique
2. Entomophagous Insects Conference .
Conference paper
see the publicationFuelling flight in a parasitic wasp: which energetic substrate to use?
Ecological Entomology . 37 ( 6 ) : 480-489
Journal article
see the publicationConséquences démographiques des Effets Allee comportementaux dans les systèmes hôte-parasitoïde
Entomological Society of America, Canada and British Columbia joint annual meeting .
Conference paper
see the publicationThe dynamics of energy allocation in adult arrhenotokous and thelytokous Venturia canescens
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata . 135(1) : 68-76
Journal article
see the publicationDifferential use of conspecific-derived information by sexual and asexual parasitic wasps exploiting partially depleted host patches
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology . 63 : 563-572
Journal article
see the publicationThe influence of the temperature and host availability on the host exploitation strategies of sexual and asexual parasitic wasps of the same species
Oecologia . 148 : 153-161
Journal article
see the publicationHost and food searching in a parasitic wasp Venturia canescens: a trade-off between current and future reproduction?
Animal Behaviour . 70 : 145-152
Journal article
see the publicationCoexistence de la reproduction sexuée et asexuée chez l'hyménoptère parasitoïde Venturia canescens : Aspects comportementaux et écologiques
incollection . -- : 409-418
Journal article
see the publicationDoes a deletion in a virus-like particle protein pleiotropic have effects on the reproductive biology of a parasitoid wasp?
Journal of Insect Physiology . 49 : 1183-1188
Journal article
see the publication