Display of 1 to 30 publications on 37 in total
Bacterial Transformation Buffers Environmental Fluctuations through the Reversible Integration of Mobile Genetic Elements
mBio . 11 ( 2 ) : e02443-19
Journal article
see the publicationPathogens Shape Sex Differences in Mammalian Aging
Trends in Parasitology . 36 ( 8 ) : 668-676
Journal article
see the publicationPollen limitation as a main driver of fruiting dynamics in oak populations
Ecology Letters . 22 ( 1 ) : 98-107
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13171
Journal article
see the publicationAbsence of paramyxovirus RNA in non-human primate sanctuaries and a primatology center in Gabon
Journal of Epidemiological Research . 5 ( 2 ) : 6
DOI: 10.5430/jer.v5n2p6
Journal article
see the publicationCoexistence of two sympatric cryptic bat species in French Guiana: insights from genetic, acoustic and ecological data
BMC Evolutionary Biology . 18 ( 1 )
Journal article
see the publicationCoexistence de deux espèces cryptiques de chauves-souris en Guyane française : apprentissages à partir de la génétique de l’acoustique et de l’écologie
Plume de Naturalistes . 2 : 169-190
Journal article
see the publicationAn R package for analyzing survival using continuous-time open capture-recapture models
Methods in Ecology and Evolution . 7 : 518-528
Journal article
see the publicationThe host specificity of ape malaria parasites can be broken in confined environments
International Journal for Parasitology . 46 ( 11 ) : 737-744
Journal article
see the publicationQuantifying the role of weather on seasonal influenza
BMC Public Health . 16 : 441
Journal article
see the publicationUnknown age in health disorders: A method to account for its cumulative effect and an application to feline viruses interactions.
Epidemics . 11 : 48-55
Journal article
see the publicationParasite-Parasite Interactions in the Wild: How To Detect Them?
Trends in Parasitology .
Journal article
see the publicationModes of transmission of Simian T-lymphotropic Virus Type 1 in semi-captive mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx)
Veterinary Microbiology . 179 : 155-61
Journal article
see the publicationDetermining the instar of a weevil larva (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) using a parsimonious method
European Journal of Entomology . 111 ( 4 ) : 567-573
Journal article
see the publicationAccounting for sampling error when inferring population synchrony from time-series data: a bayesian state-space modelling approach with applications
PLoS ONE . 9 : e87084
Journal article
see the publicationEarly infections by myxoma virus of young rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) protected by maternal antibodies activate their immune system and enhance herd immunity in wild populations.
Veterinary Research . 45 ( 1 ) : 26
Journal article
see the publicationQuantifying transmission by stage of infection in the field: The example of SIV-1 and STLV-1 infecting mandrills.
American Journal of Primatology .
DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22346
Journal article
Bulletin académique des vétérinaires de France . ( 1-4 ) : 354
DOI: 10.4267/2042/53062
Journal article
see the publicationInfluence of vector spatial dispersal on virulence evolution and prevalence of pathogen in stochastic environment, example of Chagas disease
Modelling Biological Evolution 2013 : Recent Progress, Current Challenges and Future Directions .
Conference paper
see the publicationDifferential association between circulating testosterone and infection risk by several viruses in natural cat populations: a behavioural-mediated effect?
Parasitology . 140 ( 4 ) : 521-9
Journal article
see the publicationNatural simian immunodeficiency virus transmission in mandrills: a family affair?
Biology Letters . 279 ( 1742 ) : 3426-35
Journal article
see the publicationTrue versus false parasite interactions: a robust method to take risk factors into account and its application to feline viruses.
PLoS ONE . 7 ( 1 ) : e29618
Journal article
see the publicationWhen cats' ways of life interact with their viruses: A study in 15 natural populations of owned and unowned cats Felis silvestris catus
Preventive Veterinary Medicine . 101 : 250-264
Journal article
see the publicationCan cat predation help competitors coexist in seabird communities?
Journal of Theoretical Biology . 262(2010) : 90-96
Journal article
see the publicationEvolution of microparasites in spatially and genetically structured host populations: The example of RHDV infecting rabbits
Journal of Theoretical Biology . 257(2) : 212-227
Journal article
see the publicationRecombination and drug resistance in HIV: Population dynamics and stochasticity
Epidemics . 1(1) : 171-174
Journal article
see the publicationUsing Dynamic Stochastic Modelling to Estimate Population Risk Factors in Infectious Disease: The Example of FIV in 15 Cat Populations
PLoS ONE . 4(10) : 1-13
Journal article
see the publicationEmergence of infectious diseases: when hidden pathogens break out
Comptes Rendus Biologies . 332(6) : 539-547
Journal article
see the publicationDes souris et des hommes l'étude des systèmes à hantavirus
incollection . -- : 413-456
Journal article
see the publicationLimited nest site availability helps seabirds to survive cat predation on islands
Ecological Modelling . 214 : 316-324
Journal article
see the publication