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Display of 61 to 90 publications on 1093 in total
Surgery of primary lung carcinoid tumors at metastatic stage: A national study from the French Group of Endocrine Tumors ( GTE ) and ENDOCAN‐RENATEN network
Journal of Neuroendocrinology . 35 ( 10 )
DOI: 10.1111/jne.13331
Journal article
see the publicationSurgery of primary lung carcinoid tumors at metastatic stage: A national study from the French Group of Endocrine Tumors ( GTE ) and ENDOCAN‐RENATEN network
Journal of Neuroendocrinology . 35 ( 10 )
DOI: 10.1111/jne.13331
Journal article
see the publicationClustering of trajectories with mixed effects classification model: Inference taking into account classification uncertainties
Statistics in Medicine . 42 ( 25 ) : 4570-4581
DOI: 10.1002/sim.9876
Journal article
see the publicationMental health in hospitals: A cross-sectional study of the representations of professionals in a French university hospital
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement . 84 ( 3 ) : 101703
Journal article
see the publicationAtezolizumab with or without bevacizumab and platinum-pemetrexed in patients with stage IIIB/IV non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR mutation, ALK rearrangement or ROS1 fusion progressing after targeted therapies: A multicentre phase II open-
European Journal of Cancer . 183 : 38-48
Journal article
see the publicationGFPC 06-2018 : étude de phase II, multicentrique, ouverte et non randomisée évaluant l’association sel de platine-pémétrexed-atézolizumab (±bévacizumab) pour les patients atteints d’un cancer du poumon non à petites cellules non épidermoïde
27e Congrès de Pneumologie de Langue Française . 15 ( 1 ) : 35-36
Conference paper
see the publicationSurvival and modelled cancer antigen-125 ELIMination rate constant K score in ovarian cancer patients in first-line before poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor era: A Gynaecologic Cancer Intergroup meta-analysis
European Journal of Cancer . 191
Journal article
see the publicationEndovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke with established large infarct: multicentre, open-label, randomised trial
The Lancet . 402 ( 10414 ) : 1753-1763
Journal article
see the publicationANTIFON-CLIC®, a new clinical decision support system for the treatment of invasive aspergillosis: is it clinically relevant?
Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises .
Journal article
see the publicationLack of reproducibility of histopathological features in MYC ‐rearranged large B cell lymphoma using digital whole slide images: a study from the Lunenburg lymphoma biomarker consortium
Histopathology . 82 ( 7 ) : 1105-1111
DOI: 10.1111/his.14896
Journal article
see the publicationFusion-negative rhabdomyosarcoma 3D organoids to predict effective drug combinations: A proof-of-concept on cell death inducers
Cell Reports Medicine . 4
Journal article
see the publicationCO9.2 - Impact de l'exposition combinée aux multiples polluants atmosphériques sur le risque de cancer du sein
Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique . 71 : 101626
Journal article
see the publicationFacteurs prédictifs de grossesse spontanée chez les femmes présentant une réserve ovarienne diminuée traitées par DHEA
Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie . 51 ( 9 ) : 400-407
Journal article
see the publication
Nuclear PRMT5 is a biomarker of sensitivity to tamoxifen in ERα + breast cancer
EMBO Molecular Medicine . 15
Journal article
see the publicationComparison of Two Methods for Estimating MS-Related Mortality: The Excess Mortality vs. the Cause-Specific Frameworks
Neurology . 101 ( 24 ) : e2483-e2496
Journal article
see the publicationMortalité liée à la SEP et aux autres causes de décès chez les patients SEP [P29.32]
Revue Neurologique . 179 ( supplément ) : S158
Journal article
see the publicationFGF19 and muscle architecture in older patients
Experimental Gerontology . 174 : 112120
Journal article
see the publicationMortality and Associated Causes in Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: A Multiple-Cause-of-Death Analysis in France
Journal of Clinical Medicine . 12 ( 4 ) : 1696
DOI: 10.3390/jcm12041696
Journal article
see the publicationIs the Social Gradient in Net Survival Observed in France the Result of Inequalities in Cancer-Specific Mortality or Inequalities in General Mortality?
Cancers . 15 ( 3 ) : 659
Journal article
see the publicationClinical characteristics and outcome of 318 families with familial monoclonal gammopathy: A multicenter Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome study
American Journal of Hematology . 98 ( 2 ) : 264-271
DOI: 10.1002/ajh.26785
Journal article
see the publicationEffects of socioeconomic status on excess mortality in patients with multiple sclerosis in France: A retrospective observational cohort study
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe . 24 : 100542
Journal article
see the publicationInfluence of socio-economic status on excess mortality of multiple sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Journal . 28 ( 3_SUPPL ) : 456-457
Journal article
see the publicationAn Overview of Regression Models for Adverse Events Analysis
Drug Safety .
Journal article
see the publicationImproved 30-Day Survival Estimation in ICU Patients: A Comparative Analysis of Different Approaches With Real-World Data
Critical Care Medicine .
Journal article
see the publicationA Multimodal Cardioprotection Strategy During Cardiac Surgery: The ProCCard Study
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia . 37 ( 8 ) : 1368-1376
Journal article
see the publicationPrognostic Value of Persistent CSF Antibodies at 12 Months in Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis
Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation . 10 ( 4 )
Journal article
see the publicationPrognostic impact of precipitated cardiac decompensation in symptomatic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and severe secondary mitral regurgitation
American Heart Journal . 265 : 83-91
Journal article
see the publicationGranulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in patients presenting sepsis-induced immunosuppression: The GRID randomized controlled trial
Journal of Critical Care . 78 : 154330
Journal article
see the publicationNeurological outcomes in immune checkpoint inhibitor-related neurotoxicity
Brain Communications . 5 ( 3 )
Journal article
see the publicationPrognostic Value of Persistent CSF Antibodies at 12 Months in Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis
Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation . 10 ( 4 ) : e200108
Journal article
see the publication
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